These are the heroes/characters available in the game:

Callum — Sky Mage: All of Xadia believed humans were incapable of harnessing primal magic until an unlikely hero proved the world wrong. Callum, the "step prince" of Katolis, forged a connection to the Sky Primal and became the first primal mage humanity has ever known. His magic allows him access to the vast power of storms, gales, and cyclones.

Rayla — Moonshadow Assassin — A young Moonshadow elf of the Silvergrove, Rayla was once the most promising assassin in all of Xadia — until her hero's heart led her down a different path. Fast, agile, and clever, Rayla uses her butterfly blades to protect those she loves and fight for lasting peace.

Janai — Queen of Lux Aurea: Janai holds the future of the Sunfire elves in her hands. She wields a rare and powerful Sunforge Blade, a magic weapon that forever burns as hot as the forge that made it. Though she inherited a throne she never wanted, she leads her people with determination, courage, and a heart of fire.

Soren — Crownguard Elite: Soren is captain of the Crownguard, Katolis' most elite knights sworn to protect the throne. Soren's prowess with a sword has bested warriors three times his age. He has the confidence to match his skill — and the recklessness, too, for better and for worse.

Claudia — Dark Magic Prodigy: No problem can't be solved by something in Claudia's bag of tricks. Whether it's spider goop, a wolf's ashes, or a scale ripped from the hide of a dragon, her grisly tools give her a "creative solution" for everything — just like her father taught her. Dark Magic can do anything!

Amaya — General of the Standing Battalion: Amaya is the highest—ranking general in Katolis. She leads the Standing Battalion, an army of vigilant soldiers who have defended the human kingdoms for centuries. A frontline fighter with absolutely zero tolerance for nonsense, Amaya uses her shield to defend her loved ones... and crush her enemies, too.

Viren — High Mage of Katolis: Ambitious and cunning, Viren spent his life mastering Dark Magic. Now, he can find a "creative solution" to any challenge. His spells trade the life force of magical creatures for powerful boons, but they come at a grim cost... one he insists is worth it.

Runaan — Master of Blades: Runaan is Xadia's greatest and most feared assassin. Both a marksman and a fighter, his skill with his bow blades is without compare. Despite his grim calling, he holds a sense of honor about his bloody work: life is precious, and one must never take it lightly.

Karim — Firebrand Mage: Prince Karim of Lux Aurea watched as his sister Janai inherited the throne — and, in his eyes, squandered it. Vehemently opposed to the union of Xadia, Karim's fiery dissent became the spark of rebellion. One of the most powerful fire mages in the world, Karim has the skill to turn his righteous anger into destruction.

Zeph (new) — Skywing Sellsword: Light on their feet, but happy to take a punch, Zeph fights with strength and innate Skywing elf agility. Like many of their kin, Zeph once thought of themself as a lone wolf, but they found their purpose in protecting and caring for a ragtag group of adventurers in the Far Reaches.