Please note, that Games on TV is limited to certain devices and regions, so the game may not be available to you yet!

  • On TV: A QR code will pop up on your screen, prompting you to connect your mobile device. Simply scan it and follow the link!
  • On Browser: If you would prefer to use the Netflix Game Controller instead of the mouse and keyboard setup, press SHIFT+TAB to open the Netflix overlay. Click ‘Controllers,’ and follow the QR code pop-up to connect your mobile device.

For those who use a Backbone or other 3rd party controller on their mobile devices, read on to learn about updates to the control schemes!

Mobile Gamepad Controllers now share the same control scheme as the Netflix Game Controller device. The main changes are:

  • Zoom & scroll menus with Right Stick (RS)
  • For all tools with an aiming component, you no longer need to hold and drag to use your tools! Simply press ‘X’ (Xbox, ‘B’ on Backbone) to use your currently held tool, aim with the Left Stick, and press ‘A’ to use it.

For more details about connecting Controllers on Games on TV, visit: