If you feel you are missing a chest or can't progress further in your campaign we recommend the following:

  • Have a good look at the map and make sure no fog is left uncovered. It's easy to leave map tiles behind, but often, we can reach further than we think — make sure you've cleared all fog you possibly can!
  • Other times grass tiles may look like obstacles. Look carefully for tiles you can access and haven't explored before — perhaps they hold the secret to your next campaign.
  • Clearing fires: Remember that using a water orb requires you to first uncover all fires on the map. If you can't seem to use a water orb, there must be more fires to discover!
  • Clearing vines: The same rule applies to vines — if you can't seem to use a fire orb to clear them, there must be some sneaky vines left uncovered — have a look around!

If you went above and beyond in exploring the map and don't see a chest or a way to progress further, you can always restart the campaign. Restarting the Campaign will start the map from the beginning — you can redo all battles, collect new artefacts and pick up any rewards or chests you've missed. Note that you won't get the rewards you already claimed, just chests or rewards you may have overlooked in the previous run. To restart a campaign, select the campaign from the Hellfire Club menu, tap on 'Restart', and confirm your choice.

Give it a try and let us know if these tips helped!